





My Key Career Characteristics

This contains the most important issues for you to consider as you explore different careers. These issues are likely to determine how happy and successful you are in your career.

Interests 兴趣

You have a notable interest in two core elements of business work:

  • Enterprise Control 企业控制
  • Theory Development and Conceptual Thinking 理论发展与概念化思考

You have an elevated interest in Enterprise Control, one of the central activities in business work. You enjoy setting strategy and seeing it carried out. You want to have ultimate decision-making authority for complete operations; to make the decisions that will determine the direction taken by a work team, a business unit, or an entire company; and to control the resources that will enable you to actualize a business vision.

In the workplace, you’ll enjoy activities like:

  • taking the lead on implementing important strategic decisions
  • “owning” deals and negotiations
  • participating in meetings in which strategic issues are on the agenda
  • leading project teams, departments, even entire businesses
  • having full responsibility for the profit-and-loss performance of an enterprise
  • being involved in all aspects of a business enterprise (marketing, finance, sales, operations, etc.)
  • acting as a “rainmaker,” bringing in new clients and customers

The “enterprise” you control can be big or small, or short- or long-lived. You might want to control an enterprise that you believe will exist for your lifetime or even beyond. On the other hand, you might prefer being in charge of much shorter-lived “enterprises”; for example, negotiating deals that you know will close in only a few months or weeks. Regardless of the enterprise’s size or life span, you’ll want to be in charge and set its strategy.

With a strong interest in Enterprise Control, you may find it difficult to be patient during the early stages of your career, when you’re learning and proving that you’re qualified to be captain of the ship. If you feel frustrated, resist the temptation to switch to another company too early. Impatience can get in the way of your success if you let it force you off your career path too soon.

You also have a notable level of interest in Theory Development and Conceptual Thinking, one of the fundamental activities in business work. You enjoy solving business problems by taking a conceptual “big picture” approach, exploring abstract ideas and the “what ifs” of a business or industry, and considering broad economic and social trends.

You’re likely to enjoy work activities such as:

  • creating a model that explains competition in an industry
  • analyzing a company’s competitive position in a particular market
  • considering the value proposition of a merger or acquisition
  • designing a new process for product development or distribution
  • developing economic theory

Of course, having strong interests in Enterprise Control and Theory Development and Conceptual Thinking doesn’t necessarily mean you have the skills you need to succeed in a career in which those activities are a predominant part of the work. But people often develop abilities where their interests lie. So don’t let a lack of training or prior experience with leadership activities or with theoretical work keep you from gaining the knowledge or strengthening the skills you’ll need to express these interests.

Your interests strongly resemble the interests of entrepreneurs that distinguish them from other business professionals. This doesn’t necessarily mean that an entrepreneurial venture you’re involved with will succeed. Nor does it mean that you should run right out and start a new business. However, it does suggest that you would be happiest in an organization (or in part of a larger organization) that has a decidedly entrepreneurial culture — even if you aren’t the founder. (Many CEOs of entrepreneurial companies didn’t set up those companies, but they are most definitely entrepreneurs.) Remember: there is no such thing as one “entrepreneurial type;” different entrepreneurs exhibit different styles in leading their organizations.

Organizational Culture 企业文化

You would fit best in an organizational culture that is a bit reserved and on the polite side. In such companies, departments, and teams, a lot of the work is done independently, behind closed doors — or at least with some privacy and allowance for focus and concentration. Boisterousness and aggressive behavior definitely run counter to the norm in this kind of culture. People who thrive in such organizations generally view social and business “networking” as a chore to be avoided or minimized, rather than as a fundamental — and fun — part of work. Your tendency in this direction is very strong, so you’ll want to pay close attention to this aspect of any organization you consider working for.

You would feel most comfortable in a culture in which people take a structured approach to their work and where they value disciplined attention to detail. Such companies, departments, and teams are marked by predictability in processes, systems, and scheduling. People in these work environments value the efforts of a perfectionist — not someone who lives by the “80-20” rule. Such cultures exist in many industries, but you can find particularly good examples in science and engineering work. You can also easily find this kind of culture in certain areas of operations and production management (for example, “just in time” inventory management, the scheduling of freight deliveries and airline flight patterns, or the back-room operations side of financial services). Your tendency in this direction is relatively strong, so you’ll want to pay close attention to this aspect of any organization you consider working for. For tips on how to examine an organizational culture in this regard, click here.

You would feel most comfortable in an organization that places a premium on trying new approaches: “If it isn’t broken, see if you can make it better anyway.” People who work in such companies, departments, or teams are willing to take risks in the service of possible improvements. They’re intellectually venturesome and greatly appreciate new ideas and creativity. These are typically relatively “flat” organizations, where a person’s job title matters far less than the quality of his or her ideas. Your tendency in this direction is relatively strong, so pay close attention to this aspect of any organization you consider working for. For tips on how to examine an organizational culture in this regard, click here.

Abilities 能力

You have a number of strengths, including:

  1. Ability to Teach: clear and patient when explaining things; a good teacher.
  2. Creative Thinking: able to think creatively, generating new ideas and approaches to situations.
  3. Critical Thinking: able to think critically (define a problem and determine the information needed to solve it; understand unspoken assumptions; form and test hypotheses; and judge the validity of conclusions).
  4. Empathy Skills: can see things from other people’s points of view.
  5. Oral Communication: a skillful public speaker, good at presenting ideas and plans in a persuasive manner.
  6. Projection of Confidence: projects self-confidence, even inuncertain and difficult situations.
  7. Strategic Thinking: a strategic thinker: able to grasp the big picture and think long-term.
  8. Written Communication: a good writer, expresses ideas and positions clearly.
  9. Work Ethic: has a strong work ethic, willing to make sacrifices to achieve important goals.

You have a large number of strengths. To help you determine which abilities are your strongest, you may want to solicit feedback from other people.

You also recognize some weaknesses in your business skill set:

  1. Action-orientation: makes sure that decisions are implemented.
  2. Comfort with Differences: comfortable and effective in relating to people from many different backgrounds and cultures.
  3. Comfort with Risk: takes risks when appropriate, isn’t afraid to innovate and experiment.
  4. Conflict Tolerance: able to be effective in an environment where strong and opposing views are being expressed.
  5. Merit-orientation: judges ideas and people on merit alone, without bias or favoritism.
  6. Multiple-focus: able to juggle many projects and responsibilities at once.
  7. Persistence: doesn’t get discouraged and give up on things easily.
  8. Political Skill: knows how to get things done within the political framework of an organization.
  9. Quantitative Analysis: skillful in using quantitative analysis to understand business issues.
  10. Self-control: does not act or speak impulsively; does not easily lose composure.
  11. Time Management: manages own time well.

One or more of these weaknesses might stand in the way of your career success.

Motivators (i.e. Work Reward Values)

You’re also motivated by:

  • Altruism (the position offers the satisfaction of regularly helping others with their individual or business concerns)
  • Managing People (the position offers the opportunity to manage and direct other people)
  • Positioning (the position offers experience and access to people and opportunities that will position me well for my next career move)
  • Power and Influence (the position offers the opportunity to exercise power and influence, to be an influential decision maker)
  • Recognition (the position is in an environment where individual accomplishments are recognized and honored by peers and superiors)

These are significant motivators for you. However, you may be willing to trade one or more of them for something else that a particular work opportunity offers (such as a desirable geographic location).

Things to Be Alert For — On the Job and In a Job Search

During job interviews, make sure to provide examples of work you’ve done that generated useful and measurable results. You don’t need to worry about your creativity coming through during an interview. But you do need to demonstrate that you can turn that creativity into something valuable for his or her organization.

You prefer working on projects of fairly short duration. For you, staying engaged over the long term is a lot tougher and less enjoyable than the creative phase at the beginning of projects. You may also have difficulty paying attention to detail. If you’re working on something that’s less than fascinating to you, you’ll need to discipline yourself to stay focused and organized.

At work and in other areas of your life you may try to keep your options open beyond the time when that’s advisable, or even possible. If so, force yourself to stick to deadlines, and set “mini-deadlines” along the way to ensure steady progress toward your goal.

Counterbalancing this danger is your tendency to be conscientious, hard­working, self-disciplined, and deliberate in your actions. You’re not someone people would describe as lazy, absent-minded, or lacking in the will to achieve.

These qualities are great assets. However, at times you may get lost in details, or have trouble making a decision without having all the data in hand — even when you absolutely have to make a choice quickly, with incomplete information. You should steer away from work characterized by the frequent need for such responses (trading commodities on a busy exchange, for example).

No matter what your career choice, though, at times you’ll need to make decisions quickly — without a chance to go over the data one last time. To succeed in the workplace, you’ll need to train yourself to act sooner than you’d like and on less information than you feel comfortable with.

If you’re on the job market, you may need to sharpen your “case interview” skills. In case interviews, you’re asked to form hypotheses about a business problem based on a small amount of information, then reformulate your theories when you’re given a little more data. But at no point during the interview will you have enough information to know the right answer with any certainty.

Finally, you work hard to come up with good ideas and solutions to problems — and probably do it quite well, but you may not try hard enough to ensure that your ideas are adopted. If this describes you, you need to force yourself to learn how power and influence work in the business world, and to use them. Otherwise, your good ideas and hard work won’t have the impact they could have had.