Britney Spears says:

Sometimes I run
Sometimes I hide
Sometimes I’m scared of you
But all I really want is to
Hold you tight
Treat you right
Be with you day and night

I know she’s always correct. So I bought eight books for myself as my "Out of Conundrum at Forty" gifts:

  1. Peter Drucker: Adventures of Bystander 旁观者
  2. Jack Beatty: The World According to Peter Drucker 大师的轨迹
  3. Elizabeth Haas Edersheim: McKinsey’s Marvin Bower 麦肯锡传奇
  4. Malcolm Gladwell: The Tipping Point 引爆流行
  5. Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer: The Success Principles 成功原理
  6. 吴晓波:The First Rich 首富
  7. 释见介:和佛陀赏花去
  8. 吴凌云:红妆